
作者 人类学 来源 人类学阅读 浏览 发布时间 10/03/15
uidelines on the field;" and the AAA's recent report found that "Reports from HTTs are circulated to all elements of the military, including intelligence assets, both in the field and stateside."  Like the HTT counterparts, the Avatar teams openly talked about trying to win the "hearts, mind, and trust" of the local population (a population that the military derisively called "blue monkeys") that the military was simply interested in moving or killing.  And most significantly, the members of the avatar unit had a naive understanding of the sort of role they could conceivably play in directing the sort of military action that would inevitably occur.  Sigourney Weaver's character, the chain-smoking, pose striking, tough talking Avatar Terrain Team chief social scientist, Grace Augustine, displayed the same sort of unrealistic understanding of what would be done with her research that appears in the seemingly endless Human Terrain friendly features appearing in newspapers and magazines.

Past wars found anthropologists working much more successfully as insurgents, rather than counterinsurgents: in World War II it was Edmund Leach leading an armed insurgent gang in Burma, Charlton Coon training terrorists in North African, Tom Harrisson arming native insurgents in Sarawak.  These episodes found anthropologists aligned with the (momentary) interests of the people they studied (but also aligned with the interests of their own nation states), not subjugating them in occupation and suppressing their efforts for liberation as misshapen forms of ethnography like Human Terrain.

Anthropologically informed counterinsurgency efforts like the Human Terrain program are fundamentally flawed for several reasons.  One measure of the extent that these programs come to understand and empathize with the culture and motivations of the people they study might be the occurrence of militarized ethnographers "going native" in ways parallel to the plot of Avatar.  If Human Terrain Teams employed anthropologists who came to live with and freely interact with and empathize with occupied populations, I suppose you would eventually find some rogue anthropologists standing up to their masters in the field.  But so far mostly what we find with the Human Terrain "social scientists" is a revolving cadre of well paid misfits with marginal training in the social sciences who do not understand or reject normative anthropological notions of research ethics, who rotate out and come home with misgivings about the program and what they accomplished. 

On the big screen the transformation of fictional counterinsurgent avatar-anthropologists into insurgents siding with the blue skinned Na'vi endears the avatars to the audience, yet off the screen in our world, this same audience is regularly bombarded by media campaigns designed to endear HTT social scientists embedded with the military to an audience of the American people. The engineered inversions of audience sympathies for anthropologists resisting a military invasion in fiction, and pro-military-anthropologists in nonfiction is easily accomplished because the fictional world of a distant future is not pollinated with the forces of nationalism and jingoistic patriotism that permeate our world; a world where anything aligned with militarism is championed over the understanding of others (for reasons other than conquest). 


转自:贝小戎 读品走私

1 阿凡达,这个网站上链接了35篇影评http://www.metacritic.com/film/titles/avatar

By Scott Tobias December 17, 2009




2 关于这部电影,看看人类学家在博客上的说法:Savage MindsNotes and Queries in Anthropology


这部电影很有趣,因为它以电影的形式呈现了人类学。女博士Grace被称为植物学家,但她对纳威人所做的工作和写的书非常人类学化。但不是格蕾丝,而是男主角杰克得到了了解纳威人的机会,变成了当地人。用阿凡达(化身)做人类学研究很有趣,但真正值得注意的是他是为军队工作。实际上,他的三重身份:效忠于军队/公司老板、科学家和纳威人是该片的主要冲突来源。如 Bill Guinee在Twitter上所说,很难不把它看成是对美军人类学家小组的评论。 最新的 David Price Counterpunch article…on Avatar and HTS.] 论阿凡达和人性地形系统。

Finally, the film is interesting for being a cinematic representation of anthropology. Sigourney Weaver’s character, Dr. Grace Augustine, is officially referred to as a “xenobotanist” but the work she does with the Na’vi and the book she wrote about them seem very anthropological. (I couldn’t find an image of her book cover, shown briefly in the film, but it looks like an anthropology textbook.) It is not Grace, but the main character, Jake Sully who is

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